Friday, June 09, 2006

To International Boulevard (E. 14th Street)
We rode through downtown and Chinatown until we hit E. 14th Street or International Boulevard. We thought it would be interesting to stop at a park. We have this idea that people gather in parks; but so far our experience has shown us that only a very few people (most seem like they’re on the edge) hang out in parks on a weekday afternoon. This is a big contrast to other urban park experiences we have had both in the US and overseas. We past Madison Square Park (one of the four parks that surrounds the Oakland's old downtown) and the entrance to the Lake Merritt Channel Park (which is slated for a major rennovation through Measure DD funding). We rode around and through Clinton Park at International and 6th Ave. We saw about five guys drinking at a park bench. When we rode by the Oakland Adult School Neighborhood Center’s classrooms (where local ESL classes are taught day and night), we saw all of the students get up out of their seats to look through the window. We waved to each other. We decided it would be helpful to know the Oakland Adult School’s class schedule so we can coincide our ride with either the beginning or end of class.


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